Sinha Coaching and Consulting
Career Transformation Coach
Support Center
I purchased a coaching plan; how do I schedule my coaching sessions?
After purchasing a coaching plan such as Coaching Intensive, Integrated Coaching, or Executive Coaching, you must log in to your member's area and book a coaching session.
1. Navigate to the home page thesinhagroup.net , at the top of the navigation bar to the left of the 'Home' button, click on 'log in', and use your email address and password. You are already logged in if the icon next to the 'Home' button has your name. Proceed to step 3.
2. Log in using the email address and password you used when purchasing the plan. If you forgot your password, click the forgot password link and follow the steps.
3. Once logged in, at the top you will see your username next to home. Click the arrow next to your name and select "My Bookings".
4. To book a coaching session, click on 'Click Here to Schedule' at the bottom. If you already scheduled a coaching session, it will be listed here with the option to reschedule. If you already have a coaching session scheduled and would like to schedule your next session. Click on the "Book" link in the left navigation window.
5. Click "Book Now" and follow the prompts to select an available date and time for your session. Repeat the previous steps to see your 'Upcoming' scheduled sessions to obtain your zoom link, reschedule, or schedule another session.